I’ve often wondered why this topic hasn’t been discussed as it’s a common problem within the insomnia community. It’s definitely been a constant worry for me; regularly tied up in thoughts, such as: ‘I should be over this by now’. Especially as I’ve had this irritating companion for so long. As usual, Alina nails it with such insight and compassion. Thanks

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Thank you Leighton! I really appreciate your comment ❤️

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I get the unpredictability, but i need hope. I’m in the sleep coach school which helped and is great, but I just started having all nighters without sleep. My sleep worsened after it improved. I can’t take it due to the fatigue and my marriage is in trouble. Im lost despite getting the concepts intellectually.

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I started my recovery process and treatment about 3 years ago now. I knew speedbumps would be a part of the process, but I was naively under the impression that at some point there would be a "final speed bump;" once that passed, I would be in the clear forever! 100% cured. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened. Although the speedbump patches have improved in frequency and severity, they still happen from time to time. At first, I was really down on myself for not being "fully recovered" after 1,2+ years. I thought I was a lost cause. But at some point, I had to re-define what recovery meant to me, and now I've accepted that my life may include some brief periods of rough sleep, and that's OK.

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