I feel like I'm on the verge of getting over insomnia, but I can't seem to make regular sleep happen. I'll have a few normal sleep nights in a row then a night like last night, where I go to bed feeling pretty tired (around 11:15pm). But I'm awake until who-knows-when, struggling between tossing and turning and listening to a podcast to bide my time.

At some point last night I finally fell asleep, but I have no idea when that was since I took off my watch to keep from looking at it every hour.

I'm getting to the point where I wonder if it'd be best to NOT continue looking for the same validation and same ideas on letting sleep happen from all you awesome sleep coaches. Maybe I'm stuck in this never-ending insomnia cycle because I continue to read about letting sleep happen on its own--like my brain is on high alert since I'm still reading up on sleep.

Should I simply continue doing what I'm doing? Go to bed each night with no expectations on sleep. And if bad nights happen, let them go and continue on the same track? I'm not sure what else to do.

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